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The objective of this page is to provide a high-level view of activities related to privacy standards in ISO, in particular in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27

More info can be found on in the SC27 portal:

Note that the portal will in general contain more information that in this wiki, which focuses mainly on work carried out in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG5.The convenor is Kai Rannenberg, and the vice convenor is Jan Schallaböck.

Some conventions on ISO standards

The important things to know concerning ISO standards steps:

  • SP: Study period
  • NWIP: New Work Item Proposal
  • NP: New Work Item
  • WD: Working Draft
  • CD: Committee Draft
  • DIS: Draft International Standard
  • FDIS: Final Draft International Standard
  • IS: International Standard
Technical report
  • SP: Study period
  • NWIP: New Work Item Proposal
  • NP: New Work Item
  • PDTR: Proposed Draft Technical Report
  • DTR: Draft Technical Report
  • TR: Technical Report
Technical specification
  • SP: Study period
  • NWIP: New Work Item Proposal
  • NP: New Work Item
  • PDTS: Proposed Draft Technical Specification
  • DTS: Draft Technical Specification
  • Technical Specification

Progress is finalised in plenary meetings (taking place every 6 months). Here is a list of meetings that took place or that will take place.

  • April 7-15, 2014 Hong Kong
  • Oct 20-24, 2014 Mexico City, Mexico
  • May 4-12, 2015 Kuching, Malaysia
  • Oct 26-30, 2015 Jaipur, India
  • April 11-15, 2016  Tampa, USA
  • Oct 23 (sunday) - 27 (thursday), 2016, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • April 18-22, 2017, Hamilton, New Zealand
  • Oct 23-27, 2017,  Berlin, Germany (to be confirmed)
  • China

Standards and Projects

19608 TR Guidance for developing security and privacy functional requirements based on 15408

Naruki Kai

This Technical Report provides guidance for:

  • developing privacy functional requirements as extended components based on privacy principles defined in ISO/IEC 29100 through the paradigm described in ISO/IEC 15408-2
  • selecting and specifying Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) from ISO/IEC 15408-2 to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  • procedure to define both privacy and security functional requirements in a coordinated manner
Calendar Is moving to TS

20547 IS Big data reference architecture - Part 4 - Security and privacy fabric

Editor Jinhua Min, Xuebin Zhou
ScopeS Specifies security and privacy aspects of the big data reference architecture including governance, collection, processing, exchange, storage and identification

Is the follow-up of the NIST initiative for a big data interoperability framework. Reports are available there: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], ​[7]


First WD and annotated table of content to be provided in november 2016


WG9 is working on the following

  • 20546 : big data overview and vocabulary
  • 20547 : big data reference architecture
    • Part 1: Framework and application process (TR)
    • Part 2: Use cases and derived requirements (TR)
    • Part 3: Reference architecture (IS)
    • Part 4: Security and privacy fabric (IS)
    • Part 5: Standards roadmap (TR)

Part 4 is transferred to SC27 for development, with close liaison with WG 9

[Antonio Kung] The 20547 reference architecture should be instantiated into domain specific real architectures (e.g. health, transport, energy...). 20547-4 should therefore

  • contain the generic elements that could be the starting point to derive a domain specific security and privacy fabric
  • address the 5 Vs concern (volume, velocity, variety, veracity, value)

20889 IS Privacy Enhancing De-identification Techniques

Chris Mitchell and Lionel Vodzislawsky
Scope This international standard provides a description of privacy enhancing data de-identification techniques, to be used for describing
and designing de-identification measures in accordance with the privacy principles in ISO/IEC 29100.
In particular, this International Standard specifies terminology, a classification of de-identification techniques according to their
characteristics, and their applicability for minimizing the risk of re-identification
Documentation Slides presented by Chris Mitchel during IPEN workshop (June 5th 2015):
Calendar Further to Abu Dhabi, will go for the 1st Committee draft

27018 IS Code of practice for protection of PII in public clouds acting as PII processors



This International Standard establishes control objectives, controls and guidelines for implementing measures to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in accordance with the privacy principles in ISO/IEC 29100 for the public cloud computing environment.

It specifies guidelines based on ISO/IEC 27002, taking into consideration the regulatory requirements for the protection of PII which might be applicable within the context of the information security risk environment(s) of a provider of public cloud services. The standard concerns public cloud only and cloud service providers acting as PII processors.

Documentation Must be purchased.  (preview available)

1st published in 2014

ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 27, IT Security techniques

27550 TR Privacy Engineering

Antonio Kung, Mathias Reinis

This technical report provides guidelines to engineer capabilities for privacy:

  • it describes the engineering competences and objectives for privacy
  • it covers the application of privacy in system engineering phases including requirement analysis, risk analysis, design and architecture process, and quality management taking into account the interest of the individuals
  • it defines interactions with other stakeholders (e.g. system product manager, privacy or data protection officer)
  • it provides a number of examples of practice in selected application domains such as health, smart grids, intelligent transport system, using examples of standards and practices.

Target users are engineers and practitioners who are involved in the development, implementation or operation of systems that need privacy consideration, as well as managers in organisations responsible for privacy, development, product management, marketing, operations or general.

Calendar Preliminary draft. A first draft will be provided in January 2017

27551 IS Requirements for attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication

Pascal Pailler, Nat Sakimura, Jaehoon Na

This International Standard


  • Defines a framework including terms, entity roles and interactions for attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication, and
  • Specifies requirements for attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication implementations.

  This International Standard is applicable to any information system that performs attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication

Calendar 1st WD to be provided for Hamilton meeting in April 2017

27552 IS Enhancement to ISO/IEC 27001 for privacy management - Requirements

Alan Shipman, Angelika Eksteen, Srinivas Poosarla, Heung Youl Youm

This International Standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and
continually improving a privacy enhancement of an ISMS in the form of an enhancement to ISO/IEC
27001 for privacy management within the context of the organization.
In particular, this International Standard specifies privacy-related requirements for data controllers and
data processors holding responsibility and accountability of PII processing.
This International Standard is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations, including public and
private companies, government entities and not-for-profit organizations, which are data controllers or data
processors processing PII within an Information Security Management System.

Calendar 1st WD to be provided

29100 IS Privacy framework

Stefan Weiss
Scope This International Standard provides a framework for defining privacy control requirements related to personally identifiable information within an information and communication technology environment.This International Standard is designed for those individuals who are involved in specifying, procuring, architecting, designing, developing, testing, administering and operating ICT systems.
Documentation Is a free standard : see

In the Tampa meeting, a recommendation was made to go for a review (see below study period)

A number of limited modifications have been identified in the Abu Dhabi that will lead to an amendment work

29101 IS Privacy architecture framework

Editor Stefan Weiss and Dan Bogdanov

This International Standard describes a privacy architecture framework that

  1. describes concerns for ICT systems that process PII;
  2. lists components for the implementation of such systems; and
  3. provides architectural views contextualizing these components.

This International Standard is applicable to entities involved in specifying, procuring, architecting, designing, testing, maintaining, administering and operating ICT systems that process PII. It focuses primarily on ICT systems that are designed to interact with PII principals.

Documentation Must be purchased. (preview available)

29134 IS Privacy impact assessment -- Methodology Privacy impact assessment - Guidelines

Editor Mathias Reinis

This Standard establishes guidelines for the conduct of privacy impact assessments that are used for the protection of personally identifiable information (PII).

It should be used by organizations that are establishing or operating programs or systems that involve the processing of PII, or that are making significant changes to existing programs or systems. This International Standard also provides guidance on privacy risk treatment options. Privacy Impact Assessments can be conducted at various stages in the life cycle of a programme or systems ranging from the prelaunch phase and decommissioning.

In particular, it will provide a framework for privacy safeguarding and specific method for privacy impact assessment.

It will be applicable to all types and sizes of organizations, including public and private companies, government entities and not-for-profit organizations and will be relevant to any staff involved in designing or implementing projects which will have an impact on privacy within an organization, including operating data processing systems and services and, where appropriate, external parties supporting such activities.

This Standard describes privacy risk assessment as introduced by ISO/IEC 29100:2011. For the basic elements of the privacy framework and the privacy principles, reference is made to ISO/IEC 29100:2011.

For principles and guidelines on risk management, reference is made to ISO 31000:2009.

Calendar Further to Abu Dhabi, will go for a FDIS

29151 IS Code of Practice for PII Protection

Editor Heung Youl Youm, Alan Shipman

This International Standard establishes commonly accepted control objectives, controls and guidelines for implementing controls, to meet the requirements identified by a risk and impact assessment related to the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

In particular, this International Standard specifies guidelines based on ISO/IEC 27002, taking into consideration the regulatory requirements for processing PII which may be applicable within the context of an organization's information security risk environment(s).

This International Standard is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations, including public and private companies, government entities, and not-for-profit organizations, which process PII, as part of their information processing.

Documentation March 3rd presentation made by editor during an informal confcall with Dawn Jutla (OASIS) and Antonio Kung (PRIPARE):
Calendar Further to Abu Dhabi meeting, will go for FDIS
Comments Also an ITU reference (ITU-T X.gpim)

29190 IS Privacy capability assessment model

Editor Alan Shipman

This International Standard provides organizations with high-level guidance about how to assess their capability to manage privacy-related processes. In particular, it:

  • specifies steps in assessing processes to determine privacy capability;
  • specifies a set of levels for privacy capability assessment;
  • provides guidance on the key process areas against which privacy capability can be assessed;
  • provides guidance for those implementing process assessment;
  • provides guidance on how to integrate the privacy capability assessment into organizations operations
Documentation Must be purchased.

29191 IS Requirements for partially anonymous, partially unlinkable authentication



This International Standard defines requirements on relative anonymity with identity escrow based on the model of authentication and authorization using group signature techniques.

This document provides guidance to the use of group signatures for data minimization and user convenience.

This guideline is applicable in use cases where authentication or authorization is needed.

It allows the users to control their anonymity within a group of registered users by choosing designated escrow agents.

Documentation Must be purchased. (preview available)

29184 IS Guidelines for online privacy notices and consent

Nat Sakimura, Srinivas Poorsala
Scope Guidelines for the content and the structure of online privacy notices as well as documents asking for consent to collect and process personally identifiable information (PII) from a PII principals online
Calendar Further to Tampa, will go for 1st draft

initiated in Jaipur (Oct 2015)

Follows Study Period initiated in Kuching (May 2015) User friendly online privacy notice and consent

Study Periods

Study periods are the instruments through which new items of standardisation will be introduced. They typically last 6 months (until next meeting), after which, a NWIP (New Work Item Proposal) can be made.

Privacy Engineering Framework (12 months. Completed in April 2016)

Leaders Antonio Kung, Matthias Reinis
Objective Study the concept of privacy engineering and see whether new work items are needed
Documentation Slides presenting motivation for study period by Antonio Kung:

Privacy-Preserving Attribute-based Entity Authentication (6 months. Completed in April 2016)

Leader Pascal Pailler, Nat Sakimura, Jaz Hoon Nah
  • Initiated in Jaipur (Oct 2015)
  • Replaces SP privacy-respecting identity management scheme using attribute-based credentials (outcome of the ABC4trust FP7 project:,, initiated in April 2014 in Hong Kong), with an extended scope
  • Completed.
  • Followed by new project : ISO/IEC 27551: Requirements for attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication (see above)

Editorial inconsistencies to 29100 (6 months. Completed in October 2016)

Leaders Nat Sakimura, Mathias Reinis, Elaine Newton

Collecting errors and correcting inconsistencies

  • Completed, has led to a draft amendment (with limited scope)

PII Protection Considerations for Smartphone App Providers (Started in October 2015)

Leader Rahul Sharma, Natarajan Swaminathan, Johan Eksteen, Sai Pradeep Chilukuri

Study mobile application ecosystems from a privacy viewpoint

Collect views of multiple stakeholders in the mobile applications space

Collect mobile apps privacy guidelines issued by various agencies

Collate a report on the findings

Potentially provide a new work item proposal


Initiated in Jaipur (October 2015)

Privacy in Smart Cities (18 months. Started in October 2015)

Leaders Saritha Nilesh Auti, Sanjeev Chhabra, Satish Katepalli Ksreenivasaiah, Antonio Kung

Connect with multiple stakeholders in the smart city space

Refer the existing work on smart cities

Collate information, feedback, inputs from the stakeholders and draft the guidelines

Potentially provide (a) new work item proposal(s) that can translate in guidelines


Initiated in Jaipur (October 2015)

Liaison to be established with ISO/IEC JTC1/SG1 (Smart cities) 

Presentation in Tampa (April 2016) of intermediate state

Presentation in Abu Dhabi (October 2016) or intermediate state

Guidelines for privacy in Internet of Things (IoT) (12 months. Started in April 2016)

Leaders Heung Youl Youm, Srinivas Poorsala, Antonio Kung
  • assess the viability of producing guidelines for Privacy in IoT within WG5;
  • to potentially provide (a) New Work Item Proposal(s) and/or input material for existing relevant projects as a recommendation to the Working Groups 5 depending on the outcome of this assessmen



Code of Practice solution for different types of PII (12 months. Started in October 2016)

Leaders Mathias Reinis, Heung Youl Youm
Objective study ISO/IEC FDIS 29151 and ISO/IEC IS 27018 with the objective to find a solution that is applicable for different types of PII processors, especially compatible with the needs of a SME



Guidelines for privacy in Internet of Things (IoT) (Started in April 2016)

Leaders Heung Youl Youm, Srinivas Poorsala, Antonio Kung
  • assess the viability of producing guidelines for Privacy in IoT within WG5;
  • to potentially provide (a) New Work Item Proposal(s) and/or input material for existing relevant projects as a recommendation to the Working Groups 5 depending on the outcome of this assessmen

